Step I. Book an Evaluation

It all starts with a comprehensive 50-minute initial assessment. This will help me pinpoint the specific areas of speech and communication to focus on during your sessions. It also lets me hear a little about your background and personal goals for this training course.

Step II. Book a Session

The Talk Shop Kids

Schedule weekly 30 minute sessions

Early Intervention
Articulation & Phonology
Receptive Language
Expressive Language
Phonological Awareness

Virtual Video Analysis

Looking for feedback for you or your child's speech before committing to a formal evaluation or session? Send in two 5-8 minute video clips of you or your child speaking. Receive an in-depth video speech and language analysis to address your concerns. This option includes a detailed written summary including: strengths and areas for improvement, functional goals, and specific strategies to improve relevent speech and communication skills.

Adult Services

Schedule weekly 50 minute sessions

Speech Clarity Training
Pronunciation Training
Communication Skills
Executive Functioning
Vocal Volume